Sunday, June 16, 2013

How would you like to tell the world about your baby’s birth?

Be it friends or family; all would be eager to know about the new born baby. Does it look like mother or father? Does he or she have eyes on his father and nose on his mother?

Well, that’s what all a picture card can do!

It’s the best method of displaying your child’s image which you have taken first time at the hospital or at home.

If, you want to design your baby’s card then you should go for digital printing method that would make the cards more lively and attractive.

Though to prepare the baby announcement cards you need to find a suitable online printing company. This would be quite a daunting task for you because there are so many digital printing companies present online. In such case you must look out for their sample works, take people reviews and gain complete information regarding them like price, types of cards available, shipping and so on.

After considering all the above mentioned factors you would definitely find a reliable printing company that would prepare a beautiful card for your child’s birth.

Now coming upon, how to order cards online then read on further to know about the steps:

  • Get register: The foremost step is to get registered on the website of printing company. You need to fill in your personal details like name, address, phone number etc.

  • Select a card: After getting register, click on to the section of birth announcement cards. There you would find wide variety of postcards; right from simple to elegant and handmade to custom made.

  • Upload your child’s photograph: Once you have selected the postcard, your next step would be to upload your child’s photograph on the website which you want to get printed. You need not have to use just one or two pictures of your child on the card; instead you can even prepare a collage of your child photos.

  • Write quotes and details: Purpose of preparing baby announcement cards is to give invitations to the guests. Therefore, after selecting the card and uploading the photo, your next initial step would be to fill in the details like date, place and time of celebration to be held. Alongside, you can even write quotes that conveys a sweet message.

  • Place order: Lastly, all you need to do is place the order of birth announcement cards via making a transaction from credit card for the number of cards you have ordered.

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